# FreqSub_Imag_3600 # 1286 French words were evaluated on line on both emotional valence and arousal by 1017 adults from 18 to 82 years old. Moreover, each word judged as negative or positive was attributed to a category (joy, surprise, anger, disgust, fear or sadness). Table: [ValEmo_Arous_1286.tsv](http://www.lexique.org/databases/Gobin_2017_ValEmo_Arous_1286/ValEmo_Arous_1286.tsv) Online: [Openlexicon](http://chrplr.github.io/openlexicon) ## Publications ## * Gobin, P., Camblats, A. M., Faurous, W., & Mathey, S. (2017). Une base de l’émotionalité (valence, arousal, catégories) de 1286 mots français selon l’âge (EMA). Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée, 67(1), 25-42.[pdf](ValEmo_Arous_1286.pdf)